
The Importance Of Freedoms In America

Satisfactory Essays

As Americans we enjoy many different types of freedoms, some of which we take for granted. We have a plethora of opportunities in jobs, sites to see, religions, and lifestyles. I am very thankful that we get to grow as individuals and make the choices we desire rather than someone choosing them for us. Being born into a free country, it is sometimes hard for us not to take things for granted, as I mentioned before. All of the freedoms we have today are here because of a certain person along the way fighting for them. Considering that I am a woman who will soon enter college, and start searching for a job, a major one for me would be women’s rights. Without the rights gained by others before me, I would be living in a different world. Families altered, wars fought, and different government styles, all scary thoughts considering my life is pleasant the way it is. It seems as though we have all the freedom we can imagine, yet we don’t start wars with ourselves, maybe small ones but never anything major in our own country. …show more content…

Being able to speak my mind, looked at as an equal, and being able to receive an education are a few key things. Without those I would not be the molded into the person I am today. I always wanted to stand out in life, not in a big way just something small. Being able to be an American has given me that opportunity, along with many others. I am proud to say that I am an American along with everyone else who lives in or frights for this country. American Independence is something everyone should be grateful for, not taken for

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