
The Importance Of Gender Differences In Communication

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You know the old saying “boys will be boys and girls will be girls?” Well, it’s true to an extent. The fact is men and women communicate differently, leading to the phrase “boys will be boys…” Although men and women speak the same language, we have differences in priorities, internal processing, and behavior patterns when it comes to communication (Hill, 2015). The idea that men and women speak a different language is well-known in regards to personal relationships, but John Gray, author of the famous relationship guide Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus says the same communication difficulties we struggle with in our personal lives are also a factor when it comes to our societal roles (Griffin, 2009).

In order to clarify how gender differences are related to communication differences, empirical findings and conceptual problems have been analyzed. According to linguistics professor Deborah Tannen, the differences in male and female communication styles can result in misunderstandings, distraught individuals, and cross-purposes that annoy men and women alike (Armstrong, 1996). Male or female, we all have the same basic human need to be understood by others; to communicate. One of the most influential traits that can greatly influence the way we communicate is our gender (Galvin, 2012). Why and to what extent does our gender influence our communication styles? Is there more to Genderlect than the theory expands upon? That is the question we will

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