
The Importance Of Greed In Great Expectations By Charles Dickens

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In life, fortunes are won and lost. Both enemies and friends are made and destroyed. People often say that fortunes impact relationships, but that is not true. The novel, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, proves the inaccuracy of that statement. It is not wealth that annihilates true friendships, but the greed of man and how he acts in his immaturity. Even though it may seem that wealth affects relationships on the surface, once you begin to look into it you find that these relationships are not true at all. In fact, wealth has no control over true friendship in the least. These points are all demonstrated in Great Expectations. In the first place, it is proven that greed, not wealth, destroys any harmony a person enjoys with another. In Great Expectations, Pip (the main character) quickly and greedily accedes to leave his home and best friend for possible wealth. His friend and protector, Joe, doesn’t want him to leave but Pip doesn’t even notice. Dickens writes, “But I [Pip] encouraged Joe at the time. I was lost in the mazes of my future fortunes, and could not retrace the by-paths we had trodden together” (pg. 110). Pip’s greed makes him blind to Joe’s sorrow and ruins their close companionship. If Pip wasn’t so selfish, he would have completely ignored the option to leave behind his loved ones and would have found a much better companion in Joe. Greed, not wealth, terminated that relationship in the book and can ruin many others in life. Not only does greed

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