
The Importance Of High-Quality Programs In The United States

Decent Essays

I agree that it is a problem in the United States. Although there is no paid leave, parents are able to stay with their newborn for 12 weeks with a guaranteed job. I found out that in California, a parent was able to collect up to four weeks of disability insurance under The California Employment Development Department. “As a pregnant mom, you can receive up to four weeks of Disability Insurance (DI) benefits for a normal pregnancy before your expected due date.”("Paid Family Leave - Mothers") The State of California in addition to federal aid, offers disability income for pregnant mothers a month before the expected birth date. Surprisingly, in Sweden, parents are able to claim 480 days of paid parental leave. In addition, Swedish fathers are able to claim 90 days. …show more content…

A few of characteristics of High-quality programs according to the NAEYC include, promote positive relationships for all children and adults, promote the nutrition and health of children and staff, and employ and support qualified teaching staff. These are just some of the requirements for high quality programs. Unfortunately, even with the NAEYC, the United States still faces a problem with poor-quality child-care centers. Roberta Berns in the book, Child, Family, School, Community, describes some of the causes of low quality of child care. These include, “high caregiver turnover, low wages and lack of benefits, and different state requirements for child-care facilities and teachers”. (Berns 2016) These are just some of the setbacks that contribute to poor-quality child

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