
The Importance Of Infrastructure Security By Analyzing One Of The Largest It Breaches

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During the last decade, information technology has become an increasingly pervasive issue present in each of the corporate structures (Exhibit 1). Even more recently, the idea of utilizing a cloud-based infrastructure has become an idea that is more and more adopted by the business in an intent to facilitate data processing and availability. Nevertheless, with cloud computing comes several confidentiality issues that worry its users, especially those users who utilize the platform to transit huge amounts of delicate information. These issues have led companies to establish IT departments that are able and equipped to handle the data challenges such as data theft, among others, that arise with the information being on the …show more content…

The breach was carried through what is referred to as a memory scraping software, which once installed in a computer, is able to store sensitive information such as: names and credit card numbers. Although, it is unknown how these hackers were able to install this software into target’s point of sale systems, experts affirm that it could have been installed by anyone who had access to the company’s POS system. What is scary is that this malicious software could have been downloaded by a target employee after innocently clicking on a link from an anonymous email or downloading a free disguised software program from the internet. The software could have also been installed by the thieves themselves through a physical security breach into any of Target’s thousands of stores nationwide or even in its headquarters. To make matters even worse, the breach could have also intentionally come from someone within the IT department in the organization. Whichever the case may be, I guess we will never know. What is important to recognize though, was this giant’s response to deter the breach and its actions in restoring and improving the organization’s IT structure.
Target’s Response
After the data breach that the company experienced, Target knew that something must change in order to improve their security in the system and improve customer credibility. For this reason, Target, amongst many other things, decided to launch

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