
The Importance Of Myself In My Life

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We always tend to question ourselves as we reach adulthood- Am I going to be successful? Have I even changed since being a child? Am I really who I think I am? From the moment we entered the world to the day we die, there is a small portion of adolescence where we experience who we really are and what even makes us that way. Although, as a nineteen year old lady, I still have growing to do; I have made discoveries that really explain why I am the person I present myself to be and why others would agree. Today I define myself as being independent, honest, and a psychology major. My independency has been reflected through many different aspects of my life. At such a young age, I was always told that I was independent and always knew (thought I knew) what I wanted. Even to this day, the dots are barely connecting as to what made me like this. A major reason why I am incredibly independent at my age, was due to how my parents raised me. Growing up, they had similar situations of being alone and forced to grow up on their own and didn’t really have a choice. In raising me, they forced me to do a lot on my own and to not rely on them for anything. At the age of around eleven, my mom had me making my own appointments and always filling out my own paperwork that needed to be done. Even earlier, in Pre-K, I was the kid to always take initiative to help others and give direction. For example, in the classroom I would make sure everyone understood the directions or assignments we

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