
The Importance Of Philosophy And Happiness By Epicurus

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Letter to Menoeceus by Epicurus In this piece of writing Letter to Menoeceus, Epicurus highly emphasized on the importance of philosophy and happiness. To begin with, he encouraged people of all ages, whether young or old, to study philosophy in order to develop better understanding of what desires to fulfill. By philosophy, Epicurus meant a state of mind, based on a realistic worldview that, if its implications were understood, would free people’s minds from superstitious fear and moral anxiety. As he wrote in the letter, “Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when he is young nor weary in search of it when he has grown old. For no age is too early or too late for the health of the soul”. Correspondingly, Epicurus based his philosophy on the idea pleasure. He was a hedonist who regarded pleasure as the primary and the most important intrinsic good. Epicurus defined pleasure as anything that increases tranquility of the mind and nourishes the health of the body. Therefore, he mentioned three significant notions that need to be accepted by the people to increase their equanimity of mind: 1) relationship between God and human 2) avoid fear of death 3) live a simple life and seek wisdom.
Firstly, he told people to believe in God as living being immortal and blessed. Therefore, he opposed anything that challenged God’s immortality or objected his sacredness, as stated in the article, “Believe about him whatever may upload both his blessedness and his immortality”. He argued that

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