
The Importance Of Predatory Vaccinations

Decent Essays

When attending public school ideally, by the time your child is ready to attend kindergarten, they will have received all three hepatitis b vaccinations, tetanus vaccine, acellular pertussis vaccine (DTap), diphtheria vaccine, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (pcv), inactivated poliovirus vaccine (Ipv), haemophilius influenzae type b vaccine (Hib), mumps, measles, and rubella (MMR) vaccines. These are the mandatory requirements to attend public schools in the United States. Many schools even require proof that your child was vaccinated, and may not even admit your child/children in school if vaccinations have not yet been given. I personally believe that mandatory vaccinations should be received by all children, before they began school, during school, and even if they don’t attend school at all. A few reasons being, vaccinations can save your kids' life, by being safe and effective, protecting others you care about, also protecting our future generations. Some parents feel as if their child/children should not receive any of these mandatory vaccinations do to their own beliefs. Such as purported medical reasons or religious or philosophical grounds. “Courts’ in the United States, including the Supreme Court, have consistently upheld states’ rights to compel mandatory vaccination for school children to ensure the public health and prevent diseases like measles from plaguing the population”. (Boston College Laws Review. 2016. Vol. 57 Issue1, p261-296. 36p.) No US federal

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