
The Importance Of Romanticism In Literature

Decent Essays

Thoreau high-fives me; Wharton pats me on the back; Hemingway hugs me because in the wake of my parents’ divorce, my straight-A sister dropping out of highschool, and my self-imposed pressure, Transcendentalism, Existentialism, and Postmodernism were my solace. At fourteen, I was the fastest 400IMer in the country for my age, could play pieces by Bach, Ravel, and Tchaikovsky, and was taking almost all honors classes. I was determined to do my best in anything and everything I did. Nevertheless, while I loved swimming, piano, and school, I felt most secure after the six hours of swim practice and two hour piano sessions. Late into the night, I comforted myself with obscure literature and philosophical analyses, despite my obvious fatigue, and because, let’s face it, sleep is for the weak. During my sophomore year, I began to struggle with my sexuality, and at around that same time we read “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” in English class. I was infuriated with how impulsive the mariner was and I struggled to understand his psychological state, yet I was captivated. I soon learned that the poem was part of the literary movement called Romanticism. Having a key word, I entered “Romanticism” into google and read the first book I saw (Don Juan), then the second (Dracula), the third (Persuasion), then Prometheus Unbound, The Turn of the Screw, Hernani, Frankenstein, etc.. Being the rational person I am, I was fascinated by the heavy emotions that distinguish Romanticism: Dracula’s

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