
The Importance Of The Color Purple By Alice Walker

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The color purple a book by author Alice Walker, is another source of a letter form book. However, this letter is not addressed to any of the author’s family members. It is a fictional book whose character named Celie writes a letter to God due to her struggles with sexual abuses by her stepfather. Nonetheless, one could sense the fact that although it is addressed to God, the author has captured the essence of writing in a way that she would write to a family member or loved ones.
This letter form method demonstrates that it perhaps is easier to connect through letter writing and be transparent to jot down your emotions. Celie writes, “Dear God, I am fourteen years old. I am I have always been a good girl. May be you can give me a sign letting me know what is happening to me.” (Walker, 1). The narrator gives significance to the letter writing form in her book. It highlight that Celie seems to be suffering and feels as though she is utterly alone. Therefore, she vents in writing to the one that she feels is closer to, who is God in this case. She questions her decency as she states that she is young and emphasizes on being a good girl. She wants to submit to God’s mercy; however, confusion and doubt can lead one to make many assumption as to why one is unfortunate. Misery seems to be her only company as she is afraid to share her painful experience with her family member. Hence, she uses this letter as her diary.
Life experience can often mature a person before one’s time.

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