
The Importance Of The Treaty Of Versailles

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The Treaty of Versailles included a large sum of punishments for Germany. These punishments went too far because of America and the other Allies and should be changed. The new treaty should make it more fair to Germany in order to keep them from becoming angry and resentful. Changes that should be made include getting Serbia, Russia, and Germany to accept the blame for starting WWI, instead of blaming the entire war on Germany. Germany should also be able to keep their coal-fields, as there was no reason for the Allies to take the coal-fields away. The Allies also should not have taken as much away from Germany’s armies,with a depleted military it would be difficult for the country to defend itself. Lastly, the allies should watch over Germany in order to enforce the new rules. The logic behind why the treaty should be changed is simple. While Germany has been much too harsh and intrusive during the war, they did not originally cause it and therefore should not be fully to blame. The reason why the war started was because people from Serbia assassinated Austria-Hungary’s leader, Franz Ferdinand. Thus, Serbia should also be at fault. Another country who should also be held accountable is Russia. Russia had formed a secret alliance with Serbia and stepped into the war, escalating the situation even more. Although, the attention shouldn’t be focused all on Germany, this does not mean that they aren’t to blame. Germany should be included because they unnecessarily declared

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