
The Importance Of The Westward Journey

Decent Essays

If I lived in the 1840s or the 1850s and was considering moving out west, I would have to think long and hard about what I would. First of all, is the move right for me and my family? Do I need to go west or could I just stay here? So many questions go into whether or not to move across the country. After reading diaries written by women who have already made the westward journey, I think I would be hesitant in making the journey. Glass half empty is usually how I look at things, and I would think, “Well just because some of the women had a good experience on the trail, does not mean I would.” In the end, I would not take the journey westward to Oregon or California in the 1840s or the 1850s because of how expensive the trip costs, the risk Native American attacks, and the many life-threatening diseases on the trail. To start off with, the journey west was very costly. In order to travel west, you needed to collect the items you will need to had west. One of the main items needed in westward travel was a wagon. This may seem easy enough, but this wagon “had to be built of seasoned hardwood to withstand extremes of temperature…” along with the need of having it be able to “stand up to two thousand miles of hard traveling” and “withstand river crossings and mountain travel”. Wagons, just like cars, might break down in the middle of travel. Carrying extra parts and repair tools was a must for emigrants which added onto the growing list of expenses.Animals were also needed in

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