
The Importance Of Witches In Macbeth

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“‘Round about the cauldron go; in the poison’d entrails throw. Toad, that under cold stone days and nights has thirty-one swelter’d venom sleeping got, boil thou first i’ the charmed pot” (Shakespeare). This is a quote from Act 4, Scene 1 in the well-known play, Macbeth by William Shakespeare. He wrote it about three hags who gave a prophecy to Scottish General Macbeth saying he will become King. This led to terrible consequences by the fault of witches known with wicked abilities. Witches are evil ones usually depicted as women who have magical powers. An outstanding amount of myths about witches led the world on to understand that they do indeed walk the earth. However, many atheists and doctors believe that sickness and the Christian …show more content…

All above the cool magic and powers they have, they do not have an easy life to live. They have to hide these capabilities from others such as high officials and scientists because they can get killed or tested upon. Early in the 1500s, 500 accused burned at stake. Nine years later, 1000 executions happened in Italy. From the years 1500 to 1600, Europe had 50,000-80,000 witches killed. Rates as 80% women (Linder). Basically, witches got shown as evil creatures, but in many cases, this became not always shown true.
Witches existed since B.C. times and became discriminated by everyone continuing on because they got blamed as dangerous Satan worshipers. Their practice of witchery in the 15th century contained awful things which included devil worship, baby eating, destruction of crops, and even murder (Cheung 539). “The early modern period (1400-1700) became a popular time where the most witches existed. About 70,000 to 100,000 souls killed for doing work for the devil” (Bio Staff). “Early witches were people who practiced witchcraft used magic spells and called upon spirits for help to bring about

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