
The Increase of State Surveillance in the United States and United Kingdom

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Introduction With today’s technological surveillance capabilities, our actions are observable, recordable and traceable. Surveillance is more intrusive than it has been in the past. For numerous years countries such as the United State and the United Kingdom have been actively monitoring their citizens through the use of surveillance technology. This state surveillance has been increasing with each passing year, consequently invading the citizen’s fundamental constitutional right to privacy,. This has lead to the ethical issues from the use or misuse of technology, one such ethical issue is should a government have the right to use technology to monitor its citizens without their knowledge or approval? For this reason this paper will …show more content…

Governments such as the USA justify mass surveillance by stating it protects citizens from dangerous groups such as criminal organisations, political subversives and terrorists. In addition mass surveillance also maintains social control. The disadvantage of state surveillance that citizens articulate is that it violates the right to privacy and political and social freedoms of individuals.
What lead to state surveillance becoming so extensive in the United States?
After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, the Patriot Act was implemented. The United States dramatically increased its use of surveillance technologies by modifying laws. This gave law enforcement agencies virtually unrestricted powers with regard to surveillance and monitoring. This act gave agencies of the government the authority to monitor telephone and cell phone calls without a warrant and access to person’s library, medical and financial records and a variety of other sources of information and databases. Internet activity was also monitored by governmental agencies at level never seen before in the United States. However is it ethical for the government to use this level of surveillance on its citizens in its broad unrestricted searches for terrorists and other high level treats? To determine whether mass surveillance is ethical perspectives

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