
The Industrial Revolution Has Caused The Current Situation Of Deteriorating Climatic Conditions

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The industrial revolution has caused the current situation of deteriorating climatic conditions in the globe. It is a topic that has received varied opinions some supporting and some going against it. Even though, scientists have tried their best to illustrate the fact. The scientists have kept track of the changes in the levels of greenhouse gasses, and they have demonstrated that the levels keep rising every day. Human action is the core cause of these changes. The impact of these greenhouse gasses is what many people call global warming. Global warming has been described as a state of ever increasing global temperatures and other adverse weather conditions mainly as a result of interference of the ozone layer.Emission of corrosive gasses into the atmosphere corrodes the ozone layer leaving huge holes that cause the ultraviolet rays of the sun to reach the earth. The result of this is human diseases like skin cancer, melting of the polar ice leading to rising sea levels and other impacts on agriculture. These scientists have gone a step further to give a detailed analysis of how these effects occur or, in other words, the science behind it. The aim of this paper is to offer supporting evidence of the fact that human activity, precisely the industrial revolution, is the primary cause global warming.
According to Elizabeth (2006), it is estimated that since the onset industrial revolution, the human kind has burned coal, oil and natural gas enough to produce about 250

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