
The Influence Of Dystopian Society In George Orwell's 1984

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Toward the beginning of Orwell’s novel, that illustrates the possibility of a dystopian society, the protagonist, Winston, who lives in a totalitarian estate and appears to be the only citizen aware of its awfulness, reads, “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past” (Page 34). This reading illustrates the dystopian society that the Party has created in order to maintain their totalitarian rule in Oceania. From the illustration, the reader learns that the Party has destroyed history in order to appear more powerful. In order to maintain their power, citizens are constantly monitored by telescreens, televisions that are used for party propaganda, spying, and promotion of Big Brother, the secrete Party leader, and have to carry out extreme measure to be able to enjoy key aspects of modern life such as religion or nature. The monitoring leads Julia and Winston to flee the Party’s constant watch and commences their adventures to find sectors to enjoy time alone which ultimately leads to their demise when they both experience freedom and decide to rebel. In George Orwell’s 1984, the arthur uses the demise of the influence of nature and religion due to the Party’s objective of citizen’s complete submission. Orwell exemplifies nature as an escape from the mundane life of the party and a refuge to undertake sexual activity. The area to which Julia and Winston journey contains small ash trees around the area which provides protection from

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