
The Influence Of Jazz On American Popular Music

Satisfactory Essays

When I started this course on American popular music, I was not sure what to expect. As the course went on, I became surprised by how much I have learned. This class has helped me explore many genres and learn how to analyze songs. My favorite genre that was explored during this course is jazz. While understanding the roots of jazz, towards the end of the course, I observed how I listened to music differently.
Jazz has always been one of my favorite genres. Jazz feels very expressive and allows the musician to share their heart with the audience, this is one of the reasons it is one of my favorite genres. My experience with music has been through dance, and dancing to jazz is something I’ve always enjoyed. One characteristic of jazz is improvisation, which allows the musician the chance to create their own melodic lines. In dance, we create our own movements to the tune and it is always a great experience to have two expressive hearts come together to express one tune. Since jazz has such a special place in my heart, I truly enjoyed learning the roots of jazz. …show more content…

These ragtime players had huge influence on jazz. The earliest jazz recordings are known as traditional jazz or New Orleans jazz. New Orleans is the birth place of the genre. Jazz seems to be a combination of African and European rhythms. The makeup of traditional jazz is different from other genres although some underlying characteristics are from ragtime. The makeup includes the front-line, which include musicians with lead parts, playing cornets or trumpets, clarinets, and trombones. The rhythm section includes the piano, banjo, and percussion. This combination of instruments creates a unique

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