
The Internet And Internet Stealing On The Internet

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The internet may be the greatest invention in human history. It is able to connect almost all of the seven billion people on the Earth, and allows these people to share their ideas, but it also creates an intellectual property nightmare. The internet’s main goal is the spread of information, but sometimes the information isn’t obtained in a way which agrees with laws put in place to protect patent and copyright holders, and trademark owners. Since the invention and mass adoption of the internet, IP laws have been struggling to keep up and law makers have had to start thinking about IP as it pertained to the internet and how people used it.
Websites like Pirate Bay and Megaupload allowed for millions of people to illegally obtain copies of their favorite software, songs, games, and much more. Stealing on the internet is not a hard thing to do, the costs of copying are not high, and people can do it anonymously. There has been a push in the last twenty years for a more aggressive enforcement of rights and laws for new forms of media.
In 1998 the world saw the passing of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) which was an attempt by the US government to combat copyright to strengthen legal protection of intellectual property rights holders in the midst of emerging new information communication technologies. The law put pressure on internet service providers in order for service provider’s legal liabilities to be limited in the event one of their users violated copyright

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