
The Invasion Of The Body Film Analysis

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The film opens with an alarming prologue sequence of a derange man in the emergency room brought in by the highway patrol. He is raving about an unknown danger and claims he is not crazy. He is introduced to Dr. Hill (Whit Bissel), a psychiatrist who wants to hear his story. The man reveals that he is a doctor too and urgently recounts the events of the last week. The screen fades into a flashback to when Dr. Miles Bennell (Kevin McCarthy), is returning home to Santa Mira, California, from a business trip, and states, “At first glance, everything looked the same. It wasn't. Something evil had taken possession of the town.”

Dr. Bennell begins to notice a puzzling delirium among his patients. Many of them are claiming imposters have taken over some of their relatives and friends. Growing increasingly concerned with thoughts of a possible epidemic occurring, Dr. Bennell starts to investigate with Becky Driscoll (Dana Wynter), an old flame from his past, when one night they get a call from Jack Belicec (King Donovan) to immediately come to his house. They arrive greeted by Belicec and his …show more content…

Invasion of the Body Snatchers is considered to be of the B-movie variety that displays perfectly the mistrust mood of the entire country regarding the infiltration and contamination of Communism. This paranoia emerged as a political threat fueled by US Senator Joseph McCarthy, he created committees to interview people suspected of communist. This looming sense of doom was escalated by the fear of atomic attack by communist countries and consumed the public of the1950s that even your fellow citizens (coworkers, friends) could be one of

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