
The Invention of Hugo Cabret

Decent Essays

Assignment 1: Short Essay – The Invention of Hugo Cabret

The Invention of Hugo Cabret (Brian Selznick, 2007) tells the story of a mysterious young boy named Hugo, living in the walls of a Paris train station in 1931. It follows Hugo’s adventures, dreams, thoughts, and most of all, his quest to answer the many questions he has about his past. The Invention of Hugo Cabret “is a graphic novel that successfully alternates slabs of written texts with pages of black and white illustrations” (Lawn, 2012, Para 4). It is discovered firstly, how words and images work together to portray action and suspense. And secondly, how the words and images together arouse emotion from the reader and draw in the audience. These tools and techniques …show more content…

When a written text is read, the reader can only imagine what is happening and often doesn’t extract a vast amount of emotion. However, with the illustrations and words working together in The Invention of Hugo Cabret, it allows the reader to witness and experience all emotions the characters encounter.

From page 206, we see a series of illustrations showing Hugo running from Isabelle, when Isabelle suddenly

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