
The Island Belonging

Decent Essays

The film “The Island” is one which visits the concepts of cloning to prolong human life. It tells the story of two of the clones who question their existence, and in doing so, find some truths prompting them to escape. This overall theme of cloning is one which is still relevant today, 10 years after the film’s release.
In the facility they live in, there is a definite distinction between the clones and those who have more of an understanding of the program. The clones are all dressed in matching white suits, in entirely white rooms. This white colouring suggests towards their innocence and naivety, which is later shown again when Lincoln and Jordan take the bar tender’s words literally. I thought the portrayal of this naivety, in white, was well done and complemented the given ideas well. However there were times when I felt that the way that the characters were shown didn’t match their actions. Lincoln’s actions often seemed as if they were thought out and understood beyond what was prescribed to him and the other clones. …show more content…

WHite represents purity, innocence, perfection and completion. I think these representations are accurate to the people they belong to. The clones were pure of outside influence and had an innocence of what was happening. Perfection and completion tie in not so much to their life but to their purpose. The clones are there for the use of spare parts, they are there to complete any problems their sponsor has. Perfection ties in as Dr Merrick’s ability to ‘perfect’ the human race. I liked how the clones colour representation was so total and

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