
The Japanese Automobile Industry : A Competitive Position As A Multinational Corporation

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This paper examines the Japanese automobile industry, using as example the case of Toyota in comparison with other automobile manufacturers and the way it has retain its competitive position as a multinational corporation in the international context. In order to do so, focus will be directed on management strategies, human resources, development of existing ideas, stability in the foreign market and the role of the government.
About Toyota
Toyota Motor Corporation was created in 1933 by Kiichiro Toyoda, after organizational changes within the primary organization that was owned by his father Sakichi Toyoda, Toyota Industries, being specialised in the manufacturing of automatic looms and forklift trucks. The patent for the automatic loom was bought by a British company in 1929, helping the generation of the capital for the development of the automobiles industry (Menghani et al., 2014). The new company was focusing on automobiles manufacturing, becoming independent in 1937, when the first car was produced.
Sakichi gained experience in the carpentry industry from his father, helping him create various inventions that would improve existing looms. In 1924, for instance, he created the “Type G” automatic loom, which was implemented with a device aiming to automatically stop the loom once a thread was detected, in order to prevent the production of poor quality products and help into the improvement of systems that will be less exposed to inaccuracy. The concept

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