
The Joy Of Reading And Writing : Superman And Me

Decent Essays

In “The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me” Sherman Alexie explains life struggling a lot as a Spokane Indian boy. Alexie was always expected to fail and remain “dumb” because he lived in an Indian reservation. He talks about how reading has impacted and influenced his life and how he wants to help others to experience what he did. Sherman Alexie shows to us through his essay that one does not need to be to fluent in reading and writing in order learn. Sherman Alexie shows us this by using a variety of certain types of rhetorical devices.
One way the author presents the theme of this text in by using repetition. Throughout Alexie’s essay, he uses repetition to introduce a point and references back to it later. “I was smart. I was arrogant. I was lucky. I was trying to save my life” (Alexie 13). As he is saying that, he is talking about how he lives on the reservation and what growing up there was like for him. He wanted to be successful and not have to live on the Native American reservation. Alexie says, “I am arrogant. I am lucky. I am trying to save our lives.” (Alexie 14). He revisits this idea later in the story and changes “my life” to “our lives” because he is explaining how he not only wants to change his life, but the Native American kids that he encounters. The other use of repetition in Alexie’s essay is the amount of times that Alexie uses the word “read”. “I read books late into the night, until I could barely keep my eyes open. I read books at

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