
The Keepin ' It Real Campaign Essay

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The Keepin’ It REAL campaign aims to teach middle school students substance refusal strategies through the REAL method developed by narrative theory. The campaign, although successful, has definitive strengths and weaknesses in its execution. Through an explanation of the use of theory as well as message design, strategy and development, the campaign’s thought process and execution will be outlined. Strengths and weaknesses will be outlined through the critiques of the use of theory, missing campaign stages, and message design and channel selection. Keepin’ It REAL is a pioneer in using the narrative theory to relate to a people group different from the researchers. The theory was central to the success of the campaign, but with some adjustments its reach could be even larger and more impactful.
Social Problem Campaign Addresses
The social problem in the Keepin’ It REAL campaign was drug use in adolescents, specifically seventh grade students (Miller-Day & Hecht, 2013, p. 657). Preteens and teenagers face pressure to use and take drugs from their peers, so this campaign is aimed at learning how students refuse drugs and what ways are the most effective for them to refuse the substances from their peers. This campaign ended up reaching 2 million seventh grade students in 45 countries and educated them about drug refusal narratives from their peers (Miller-Day & Hecht, 2013, p. 657).
Use of Theory
The Keepin’ It Real public health campaign used the narrative theory to form

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