
Essay about The King of Franks: Charles the Great or Charlemagene

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Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great, was the king of the franks. He was highly influenced by Constantine and his christian empire. Charlemagne supported christian art and commissioned the contraction of a palace and chapel in Germany, which severed as the center of his power. His time was known as the Carolingian Renaissance, where he revived many imperial roman traditions such as the early Christian tradition of depicting Christ as a statuesque youth. In his time marvelous illuminated manuscripts. After the rule of Charlemagne, as Carolingian art began to subside, entered the new ruler Otto III. Otto III was both influenced by Constantine and Charlemagne. Ottonian art focused on geometry, ivory plaques, and small artwork as well …show more content…

One main difference between these two pieces is the fact that the Gero Crucifix is much simpler compared to the cover of the Lindau Gospel. We can observe that the gold cover of the Lindau Gospel is beautifully embellished by a numerous quantity of pearls, sapphires, emeralds and garnets. On the other hand, the Gero Crucifix is simple yet beautifully detailed wooded sculpture adorned with a simple halo on the back of his head. Now, like I previously said, both pieces share a main subject which is Christ; however, perhaps the most visually obvious difference is portrayed through Christ himself. In the Lindau Gospel, Christ is depicted as the classical, youthful Christ oblivious of the pain he was facing. On the contrary, the Christ found on the Gero Crucifix presents a different conception compared to the cover from Lindau Gospel and we can clearly observe and perceive the emotional power of Christ’s intense agony as well as his suffering through the heaviness of his body and his contorted facial expression.

The bronze doors of Saint Michael’s Cathedral, Hildesheim revive the monumental sculptural tradition found during the Ottonian art period in Early Medieval Europe. According to Gardner's Art Through the Ages: The Western Perspective, Carolingian sculpture, like most sculpture from Late Antiquity, consisted of primarily small-scale art (Gardner 302). Even though the bronze

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