
The Kite Runner Betrayal Analysis

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Throughout The Kite Runner, Hosseini explores the concepts of betrayal, trust, and friendship through the dense relationship of Amir and Hassan. Since the beginning of their childhood friendship, Amir and Hassan have been entangled in a relationship of unmutual love and respect that eventually leads to their relationship’s inevitable destruction. Hassan’s unconditional loyalty to Amir and Amir’s intense desire for his father’s acceptance form an unstable stage that predisposes them to ruination. As Amir strives for his father’s respect in the Kite Tournament, he severs the childhood bonds formed between him and Hassan and obliterates their relationship beyond repair. Before Amir’s betrayal in the Kite Tournament, Amir and Hassan were already …show more content…

Catching a glimpse of hope and opportunity for his father’s acceptance, Amir ravages for respect while leaving Hassan in the ashes of his unreciprocated compassion. Hassan, following his loyal character, leaps to Amir’s request for the final kite and pursues his coveted prize past sunset. Upon capturing the kite, however, Hassan is cornered by an abusive band of Pashtuns who threaten his life in exchange for the kite. When Hassan refuses, his oppressors scoff “before you sacrifice yourself to him, think about this: Would he do the same for you? Have you ever wondered why he never includes you in games when he has guests? Why he only plays with you when no one else is around? I’ll tell you why, Hazara. Because to him, you’re nothing but an ugly pet. Something he can play with when he’s bored, something he can kick when he’s angry” (Housseini 73). In this pivotal moment, Amir sheds light on the harsh reality of Amir and Hassan’s relationship and finally exposes Amir’s disregard for Hassan. Assef’s comparison of Hassan to “something [Amir] can kick when he’s angry” perfectly reflects Amir’s unloving treatment before the kite tournament. Instead of protecting his friend in the moment after, and instead of reciprocating at least an ounce of the respect Hassan has held for him since the day he was born, Amir selfishly

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