
The Kite Runner Literary Analysis

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The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a multithreaded novel in which story of a young boy Amir and people from his surroundings stands for a background of a complex analysis of Afghan society, history and culture. It is also a story of how every person is able to change their life and redeem themselves. One of the numerous themes of the novel is the war in Afghanistan after the invasion of the Soviet Union. The outcome of the attack was tragic for all who experienced it. The war brought about terrible changes and ravished the beautiful land beyond recognition(Shahira Banu, M.A, Phil, 2016). However with all the destruction and atrocities war brings to the people, sometimes conflict can change the life of individuals to both for better and worse. …show more content…

Back in his homeland Amir fully experienced social problems of Afghanistan, one of the most obvious one was the class struggle between under-privileged minority of Hazaras and allegedly affluent majority of Pashtuns(Chun, 2014). In addition Amir’s self-esteem very often was lowered by Baba’s high expectations considering the way Amir acts among the peers. In other words in the eyes of Baba his son was not masculine enough. After moving to The United States Amir have a chance to change everything in his life and finally carry on his own legacy. In San Jose at the flea market Amir meets Soraya, lady who will later become his wife. Later on both spouses form a successful family. In America Amir is able to write his first novel. What seems most important when it comes to living in The USA is growing up to be his own man. Amir does not have to worry about pressure of the Afghan society or how father sees his son. This is the factor that probably allowed Amir to mature to the decision to fix the past mistakes. New perspective influenced the man so much he returns to Afghanistan to save son of his brother and fiend at the same time. There is a possibility all of that would not be possible without the Russian attack on Afghanistan that started long process of changes in Amir’s life. In that context war in Afghanistan has brought positive consequences for

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