
The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow Analysis

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One of the qualities that all the stories have in common is they are all set in a dark, disturbing tone. Washington Irving’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” is about a guy, Ichabod, who lives in a town called Sleepy Hollow and he was a teacher. He finds that he is attracted to the richest guy in town’s daughter. But, when he attempts to make a move on the pretty girl, he discovers he has competition with another man who wants her for himself. The other man, Brom Van Brunt, wants to kill Ichabod for wanting his girl. Ichabod tries to avoid Brom and he gets invited to a party at the girl’s house. While at the party, he gets dumped and he runs into the scary figure, the Headless Horseman. Ichabod tries to get away but the Headless Horseman throws his head at Ichabod causing him to fall off his horse. Nobody has seen Ichabod since then. All that is left are horse tracks, Ichabod’s hat and a pumpkin. People believe that the Headless Horseman got to him. But Brom laughs when Ichabod is mentioned, drawing the conclusion he could be the Headless Horseman. Ichabod lost his life because he innocently was attracted to a girl who already had a competitive man’s heart.
In Nathanial Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown”, he leaves his scared wife, Faith, to travel one night. On his journey in the woods, he comes across a man with a walking stick that is carved with a serpent and later an old woman hobbling. Like in “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”, Goodman Brown encountered a horse. He hears a

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