
The Locket Analysis

Decent Essays

The conclusion of the short story The Locket was predictable. It was not surprising that the story concluded with Edmond being alive. There was no indication in the story alluding to his death. The story began by detailing the tales of a small number of Confederate Soldiers who were camped out upon a hill waiting on orders from their leader. The story did not reveal what these instructions were. It is being assumed then that they were either waiting on instructions to go into battle, or waiting on instructions to go home to their families. It appears that all the men were located on the hills being idle. Some were engaging in idle talk, some were in deep thoughts about the loved ones they could not wait to return home to. They were also keeping watch over the area where they were located. There were clues in the story which led to the revelation of the ending. One is when all the men were gathered in their camp engaging in idle talk. Edmond was busy reading the letter he had received from Octavie. The contents of the letter caused him to become engrossed in daydreaming; he became home sick. As a result he fell asleep. “The letter had …show more content…

The locket was believed to provide protection from evil. “"What's that you got around your neck, Ned?" asked one of the men lying in the obscurity.” Another question was asked. "Is it your sweet heart's picture?" "`Taint no gal's picture," offered the man at the fire. “"That's a charm; some kind of hoodoo business that one o' them priests gave him to keep him out o' trouble. I know them Cath'lics. That's how come Frenchy got permoted an never got a scratch sence he's been in the ranks. Hey, French! aint I right?" Edmond looked up absently from his letter. “"What is it?" he asked.”Aint that a charm you got round your neck?" "It must be, Nick," returned Edmond with a smile. "I don't know how I could have gone through this year and a half without

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