
The Lovely Bones Essay

Decent Essays

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold is a fictional book about 14 year old girl Susie. On her way home from school on a late afternoon she was lured into a hole on the ground by George Harvey. Mr. Harvey was her neighbor and convinced Susie to come into the hole. While she was inside he began to give her a “tour”. Since the hole was very small it took a few minutes for George to show Susie what was in the hole. He claimed that he built it as a “clubhouse” for the kids in the neighborhood to hang out in. After being there for some time Susie realizes that she must go and that’s when George Harvey blocks the door. She then begs him to let her go as she grows frightened. He then tells her to take her clothes off because he wants to make sure she’s still a virgin. When Susie tries to run he grabs her then she falls. Mr. Harvey then begins to touch her eventually raping her ,as Susie slowly dies inside losing both her virginity and innocence. But that’s not all Mr .Harvey gangs Susie with her hat her mother made her; and on December 6th, 1973 Susie Salmon is murdered. …show more content…

She watches how her family deals with her death and how each one differently cope with her disappearance. Although the only evidence the police finds is her elbow they assume she’s dead from all the blood on the earth. But her family disagrees strongly. Specially her father who fights hard for years on trying to find evidence on a possible suspect. He sees Mr. Harvey as suspicious from a strange feeling he gets when he’s around him. One day George is building a tent and Jack (Susie’s dad) joins him and begins to talk to him, that’s when he notices that Harvey is very

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