
The Luke Bryan

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The contribution to music demonstrated by the career of Luke Bryan proves beyond a doubt that the country music singer should be inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. His worthiness of this award is shown in his, charity work, the awards he has won and all the achievements he has made, and everyone who has inspired him to become a country music singer in the first place. Bryan would not be where he is today with the support of his wife and 2 kids. Bryan’s parents are peanut farmers and he used to help them when he was in high school. His brother died in a car accident 2 years ago and Bryan and his sister went through a tuff time when that happened. Luke Bryan was born July 17, 1976 in Leesburg, Georgia. Bryan got his first guitar at the age of fourteen and by the age of fifteen he was able to entertain a small crowd. It was all uphill from there. ("Luke Bryan Biography.")
The most important reason Luke Bryan should be inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame is because of his charity work. He has put together millions of concerts and tours for people with special needs. Bryan has donated a great deal of money to children’s hospitals to help buy more supplies and medicine for the patients (Finan). He played in one of Deirk Bently’s concerts and earned money for children’s special needs camp: (Kaylor 1-1). He loves doing charity concerts and performing at children’s hospitals to raise money for them.
The second reason Luke Bryan should be inducted into The

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