
The Main Characteristics Of Laissez Faire

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After the end of the Civil War in 1865, the United States went from being an agricultural society to one that was seeing the rise of industrialization. This transformation led to the Supreme Court changing to a doctrine of Laissez-Faire Constitutionalism. This time period, which ran from the end of the war until 1937, would see a consistent pattern of case decisions that were conservative in nature. In contrast to today, "conservative" meant something different up until the end of the Lochner Era. In this particular context, it refers to justices who were opposed to government regulation of business activity unless it was in the promotion of health, safety, or morals. There are several important cases that demonstrate the conservative nature of the Court during this time. One of the major characteristics of laissez-faire constitutionalism during this conservative era is that there was a strong belief in classical economic thinking, based on Adam Smith 's book The Wealth of Nations. It was written in the 1770s and taught the ideal that things will eventually work themselves out, giving a rationalization for the lack of governmental involvement in regulation of business activity. Additionally, there was a great deal of support for entrepreneurial liberty, which meant individuals were given a great deal of freedom to conduct their business. There was also a strong belief during this period in Social Darwinism, which stems from Charles Darwin 's theory of survival of

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