
The Main Themes Of Repression In George Orwell's 1984

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Repression in 1984 Repression is one of the main issues that the main character of 1984, Winston Smith, deals with. The tyranny of The Party and Big Brother have made it impossible for anyone to be alone with their thoughts. The idea of thought crimes and spies makes the public uneasy and aware of their every move. However, it is human nature to cast doubts, have desires, and crave love, which makes living in the dystopian rulership of Big Brother a dangerous and impossible life. Without making their subjects repress their emotions, The Party would fail. Doubts are considered the most taboo of thoughts. The Party’s own slogan is “Ignorance is Strength”. This is why Winston is jealous of the Proles, they can remain blissfully ignorant of the constant watching of Big Brother. No one under the rule of The Party can trust anything put out by the media. Dates and facts are always twisted in favor of The Party. The quotes,“Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia.” (pg. 35) and “It was not true… as was claimed in The Party history books, that the Part had invented airplanes. He remembered airplanes since his earliest childhood. But you could prove nothing.” (pg. 37) prove that even a mind of The Party has doubts about what is happening in the world. Just having a diary could land someone a death penalty, because people can’t argue with unedited, tangible facts. Having an independent source rather than a party controlled source could

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