
The Major Versions Of Crime, And Merton's Classic Strain Theory

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Strain theory is where certain stressors or strains that occurs in an individual's life can increase the likelihood of a crime. These strains can lead to negative emotions or thoughts such as anger or frustration. Negative emotions can create a criminal response for crime to occur. When a criminal act occurs it is usually to escape the train or stressor, or perhaps to avenge the source that is causing the strain or stressor. An example of this is by vividly imagining an individual who is suffering from chronic unemployment who is unable to get a job, so this individual begins to start selling illicit drugs or robbing other individuals just to make currency to sustain him or herself. Although the individual may seek revenge against the person who lead to them being unemployed. “The major versions of strain theory describe 1) the particular strains most likely to lead to crime, 2) why strains increase crime, and 3) the factors that lead a person to or dissuade a person from responding to strains with crime.” Emile Durkheim was know to be the developer of modern strain theory whereas Morton’s classic strain theory which was developed in the 20th century. Merton’s classic strain theory focuses on economic class standing meaning to individuals commit crime or turn to crime because they cannot achieve success or being in middle class standing versus modern strain theory by Emile Durkheim which views deviance and crime. Merton's strain theory had developed in the 1930s which

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