
The Man Of Wealth

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FYI Total 6 pages including 1outline, 4pages of essay and 1works cited pages Prabhjot Kaur History 82 24 Sept 2015

The Duty of the Man of Wealth: Two Perspectives on Men of Wealth

I. Introduction
A. Andrew Carnegie and Working People
B. Perspective on Wealth and Living
C. Gilded Age D. Thesis: The Gilded Age exchange between Andrew Carnegie and working people’s clarifies wealthy people condescending approach toward workers and their response.
II. Major Responsibilities of Wealthy People
A. Modest Living
B. Social and Cultural Role Models
C. Community Help
D. Wisdom and Experience
III. Workingman’s Response
A. Obedient towards Slavery
B. …show more content…

The Unites States became World’s leading industrial power in 1893 which inevitably made wealthy more wealthy like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller. On the Contrary, industrialized economy in the late nineteenth century became very unstable and exceptionally affected the lives of Americans. The exploitation of the working people under the control of wealthy kept on increasing to an extent where they were treated like slaves or they will die of unemployment. The Gilded Age exchange between Andrew Carnegie and working people clarifies wealthy people’s condescending approach toward workers and their response.
Andrew Carnegie was the first young wealthiest American Capitalist of the nineteenth century who won Thomas A. Scott’s job of Railroad division. In other words, Andrew Carnegie became the founder of steel in the Gilded Age. Carnegie’s relation with his workman was not authentic in any sense, as he wants to get more work with the same or less pay. In United States of American, Gilded Age was the time period of Nineteenth century where everything seems shining and beautiful but actually it was the era of massive corruption. Although, Carnegie in his book “The Gospel Of Wealth” explains that he is a philanthropist and all the wealthy people should devote their

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