
The Mass Media Serves the Interests of the Corporate and Political Elite

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The Mass Media Serves the Interests of the Corporate and Political Elite There exists a symbiotic relationship between corporate America and the United States government. This relationship influences the organizational structure of the mass media and thereby greatly impacts the framing of social problems in our society. The mass media serves the interests of the corporate and political elite by presenting only those issues favorable to their objectives and “filtering” out those that are not. To understand how this “filtering” process works, it is necessary to recognize who actually has control of what issues are presented in the mass media and what issues are omitted. Our media is an oligopoly that poses a threat to the very idea of …show more content…

Conservatives have gone as far as to establish “think tanks” to form conservative opinions from which they can derive their sources. In fact, conservative right wing “think tanks”, such as the Heritage Foundation, come out on top in studies of most quoted “think tanks.” American opinion however, is much more liberal than that of the conservative experts. Advertising pressure is another example of a “filter”. While newspapers earn 75% of their revenue from advertisement, they claim that the advertisers don’t influence their stories. Advertisers demand a supportive programming environment. Take for example what happened when Mercury News ran a story on automobile buying that was not in the best interest of automobile dealerships. The dealerships pulled their advertising from the paper. When the paper subsequently ran a story favorable to the dealerships, they resumed their advertising. This amounts to little more than corporate censorship. What is presented to the public by the mass media, and more importantly, how it is presented, plays a large role in the framing of social problems in the United States. When the fact is considered that what is classified as a social problem is closely tied to what is viewed as “deviant” behavior, the role mass media plays in shaping the mindset of America becomes relevant. The role this power plays

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