
Ambiguity In Shakespeare's Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead

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Hamlet, perhaps the most famous Shakespearean play, is one that has been performed and interpreted in many ways. Shakespeare often wrote using multiple meanings to add ambiguity to an already stellar plot. This caused modern culture to make many versions of Hamlet. The most interesting spin-off is the play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard. He created an intriguing story while addressing important philosophical questions. The biggest question in presented in both Hamlet and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is the meaning of life and death. Without a purpose, minor characters are purposed to carry out the plans of the royalty in the play. These minor characters and royalty all died. Shakespeare uses the royalty in Denmark to symbolize death. The royal family represents power in the play and the king represents the peak of power in Denmark. But the King was the first character in Hamlet to die. Murdered by his own brother, the King showed himself to Hamlet in ghost form. From the beginning of the play, death is already introduced as a major theme. Shakespeare purposefully introduces death into the book using the king. He uses this to link Denmark’s most elite family with death, specifically murder. To Shakespeare, royalty is filled with certain characteristics that make death imminent. Claudius killed his brother out of envy for his power. This murder is the reason Hamlet seeks vengeance upon Claudius. While Hamlet seeks vengeance, Shakespeare uses

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