
The Medicines Of Medieval Medicine And The Black Death

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Medieval Medicine
Medieval Medicine was basic in an era when terrible illnesses such as the Black Death were killing nearly one third of the population. No one had any idea what caused illnesses and diseases, such as the Black Death. There were no antibiotics or vaccines thus it was almost impossible to cure illness and diseases.
Bloodletting was a popular method of restoring a patient's health and ‘humors’. Early surgery, often done by barbers, occurred without anaesthesia.
Often medicines were made from herbs, spices and resins. The medicine was applied in drinks, pills, washes, baths, rubs, poultices, purges and ointments. Which sometimes themselves contained fatal ingredients.

Medicine used to treat some specific illnesses

Medieval Medicine to treat the Black Death
The Black Death held a mortality rate of between 30 and 40 per cent. Victims had no idea what had caused the disease. And neither did the doctors in Medieval Times. The Black Death was treated by lancing the buboes and applying a warm poultice of butter, onion and garlic. Various other remedies were tried including tobacco, arsenic, lily root and even dried toad.

Medieval Medicine to treat Headache and Aching joints
Head pains were treated with sweet-smelling herbs such as rose, lavender, sage, and bay. A mixture of henbane and hemlock were applied to aching joints. Coriander was used to reduce a fever. Medieval Medicine to treat Stomach Pains and Sickness Stomach pains and sickness were

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