
The Metaphor Of Spiegelman's Maus

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The breaks in the main metaphor of Maus occur because of the existential uncertainty of Spiegalman; and, by doing this, he highlights the hypocritical nature of viewing and speaking about the holocaust. It is important to distinguish the metaphor setup by Spiegelman from being a universal metaphor, because if it were, when he breaks the metaphor throughout Maus, those instances would be taken as individualized and intended for a specific meaning within themselves. However, these cases are better classified as a part of the entire intent of the metaphor. A clear example of Spiegelman’s disinterest in applying the metaphor universally occurs when his father recalls the Germans counting prisoners and specific prisoner repeatedly claims to be a German (210). In the panel where Spiegelman asks …show more content…

Upon Vladek answering that, “For the Germans this guy was Jewish,” Spiegelman returns to draw the prisoner as a mouse. These panels are contradictory to the basis of the metaphor having a single universalized meaning. First, if the metaphor was strict to aligning a specific animal species to races and nationalities, it seems odd for Spiegelman to simply draw the man as a mouse, when it is completely possible, as Vladek says, for the man to be German (210). Second, the metaphor is clearly not singularly a comparison between hunter and prey, as there are many instances, including one in the same panel as when the prisoner claims to be German, where there is an imprisoned Pole. From this

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