
The Method of Scientific Investigation

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The Method of Scientific Investigation

Scientific investigation in my own words is when someone breaks down a problem to find a solution scientifically, but there can be more to it than just investigation a problem scientifically. Thomas Huxley explains scientific investigation in more depth in his “The Method of Scientific Investigation” essay, what is he trying to say in this passage? It could be many things, it could be nothing or it could be something, we’re basically trying to find out what he is explaining when he talks about this certain “scientific method.” His meaning of scientific investigation is very detailed that one must use the operations of induction and deduction in their everyday lives, and it’s very much true …show more content…

Thomas Huxley wants us to understand that scientific investigation is not as difficult as it seems but it makes everyday life possible. Huxley’s tone throughout this essay was very familiar and direct because he talks to the reader about scientific investigation. For example, in his second paragraph on the first page he says, “You will

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