
The Misconceptions Of The Vikings During The Medieval Era

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During the medieval era the Vikings were known as the most brutal solider. No country or army dared to fight against some of the smartest fighters of all time. These men were not just great fighters, they were the leading innovators of their time when it came to creating weapons. Many kings or emperors hired the Vikings to be the bodyguards that would protect them or to fight for them in war. These men were not only brutal, but smart compared to the misconception that follows them around. The Vikings are discussed more than in any solider when it comes to medieval warriors. The Vikings originated from the three countries of Scandinavia. These three countries are Denmark, Sweden and Norway. They are known for being home to some of the most feared warriors in history. They got their name from a language called “Old …show more content…

This time period is commonly known as the Viking Age of Scandinavian history. A Viking's most treasured weapon was his sword. They were handed down generations because of inheritance, they were often named and could be inscribed with writings by talented blacksmiths to magically increase their powers. The Vikings had no professional standing army and tactics and discipline seemed to have little to no development. They did not fight in regular formations. Aspiring warriors wanted armed service so they fought next to famous fighters in order to be rewarded with weapons and fame of their own. The houses the Vikings lived in were made out of wattle which is sticks. Many people believe the Scandinavian people were big and muscular, but that was not the case. Due to the short summer seasons, growing crops was difficult and resources were always scarce. As a result, many of the Scandinavian people were much smaller than commonly depicted due to limited food sources. The Vikings were a special culture compared to many others before and after

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