
The Morally Praiseworthy Actions of Medical Professionals who Provide Care for Enemy Combatants

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Many Americans assume that medical professionals are generally helpful of others. However, a controversial question has been raised about the use of medical professionals and their involvement with torturing enemy combatants during war. Is it morally right or morally wrong for them to be involved in these sorts of practices? I believe that medical professionals who are involved in overseeing and treating tortured enemy combatants are morally praiseworthy. Medical professionals are praiseworthy because its undoubtedly correct for a medical professional to help preserve the life of tortured. Furthermore, medical professionals are praiseworthy because their job description demands that they assist injured people. Lastly, I emphasize that …show more content…

With me making that point I don’t necessarily agree that torturing is a moral act but if torturing has to be done then I believe that it would be morally right to have medical professional to help afterwards. When the enemy is getting agonized, it is great for the medical professional to make sure that the person doesn’t die and just lower the severity of the pain as soon as the torturing is completed. For instance, imagine if the enemy was tormented by the method of waterboarding to get information out of them, and had no doctor to help them afterwards, these people would be physically in need help. If a medical professional is not present to watch and direct the interrogator, the tormenter may possibly not know the limit of their actions and accidently kill the enemy. While focusing on the fact that medical professionals who are involved in helping the enemy because they are preserving life. Having discussed my first point about how medical professionals are praiseworthy because they preserve life, let us now turn our attention to my second reason I implicated earlier. Secondly, I firmly deem that medical professionals who are involved in overseeing and treating tortured enemy combatants are praiseworthy because they are representing and fulfilling their job descriptions. Most medical professional’s job descriptions demand that

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