
The Most Dangerous Game: A Story of Allusions

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The Most Dangerous Game: A Story of Allusions The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell has been a classic among bookworms looking for a short fix since the 1920s. The story is centered around two main characters, Rainsford and General Zaroff who are both worthy hunters. When Rainsford stumbles upon Zaroff, he finds himself participating in a new game, the hunt for his life. With eyes glued to the writing, someone may not even notice the discretely placed allusions. The allusions in this story are used to make connections between the text and the reader. On the first page of the story the first allusion appears, “I hope the jaguar guns have come from Purdeys” (Connell). Since this is introduced on the first page of the novel and nothing is extensively known about the characters, it is a good place for an allusion. Purdey’s Gun Company is a world-renowned British gun manufacturer. Purdey’s guns are expensive, crafted carefully, and used among the best hunters in the world. (National Firearms Museum) This allusion helps the reader gain insight that Rainsford and Whitney are graciously more then just the average hunter. Depending on who was reading this story, the allusion provided does not deliver an effective initial connection. Many people are not aware of Purdey’ Gun Company, with the exception of hunters and individuals educated on hunting. Any common person reading this would quickly look over the observation of the guns being from Purdey’s. Someone would have to look

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