
The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Cornell Essay

Decent Essays

“The Most Dangerous Game”, by Richard Cornell was a story which Mr.Cornell used 8 aspects of fiction to show his point of view that one who has intellect can overcome one who has intelligence or instinct. The character’s used in the story gave the author a way to make his point of view come clear to his audience. The story uses sequence of events. The plot is how the story goes about. The setting is the surroundings of the story, or where it takes place. The suspense is the temporary holding of the information to keep the reading interested, and to keep the reader guessing and wanting to know what will happen so they will continue reading your story. Foreshadowing is the readers way of telling the ‘future’, in other words the writer is …show more content…

But since Sanger Rainsford has intellect, he can survive, unlike the animals who have intelligence and instinct. At the end of the hunted, Sanger Rainsford makes it out alive using his knowledge and reason. The plot is the sequence of events, and they go like this: 1.Rainsford hunts animals, 2.He goes out to sea, 3.Get’s washed up on an island, 4.Get’s hunted by Zaroff, 5.Tries to leave, 6.Can’t escape, 7.He has to use reason to beat his opponent and win the fight of life or death, 8.Rainsford wins the game, 9.He leaves. As you can see, the author uses the plot to make sure the story makes sense and goes in order. The setting is very important in a story. The reader needs to know where the characters are. So he/she can get a picture in their head of the scene. Well this story like I have mentioned a few times, takes place on a deserted island, in the middle of nowhere, and Rainsford is in the jungle being hunted. The scene is very important in making the story viewable in the mind of the reader. Suspense is also an important part of a story. If there is no suspense in the story, the reader wont want to keep reading your story, they’ll say it’s boring. Suspense keeps this from happening. You make the story exciting so the reader can continue reading. In the story the suspense is that Rainsford is trapped on an island with nowhere out and Zaroff is coming to get him! The author needs to have suspense to keep readers

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