
The Most Dangerous Job Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

Authors use various styles of writing to appeal to different types of audiences. The Jungle by Upton Sinclair and “The Most Dangerous Job” by Eric Schlosser both utilize ethos, pathos, and logos writing styles to convince the audience of their ideals. An author uses ethos in writing to show his/her credentials and explain why he/she is credible. Pathos appeals to an audience’s emotions and makes the audience feel sympathy or pity. The author draws feelings out of the audience and compels the audience to feel what the author wishes them to feel. Logos uses facts, statistics, historical and literal analogies, and quotes from authorities on a subject to convince the audience with logic or reason. Upton Sinclair and Eric Schlosser have the goal of exposing the corruption in the meatpacking industry, but the authors develop their arguments through similar and contrasting approaches. To begin with, ethos is apparent in the excerpt “The Most Dangerous Job” by Eric Schlosser through his stories about workers and their families’ struggles. In the excerpt “The Most Dangerous Job,” Eric Schlosser states, “Each of their stories was different, yet somehow familiar, linked by common elements-the same struggle to receive proper medical care, the same fear of speaking out, the same underlying corporate indifference” (Schlosser 186). Schlosser shows the audience that he is a credible source through the stories of workers families. The families’ hardships showcase the corruption inside of

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