
The Most Memorable Moments In My Life

Satisfactory Essays

When asked to narrate one of the most memorable moments in my life, initially I felt completely stumped. Day to day life for me can be easily described as typical/average; and if given the requirement to write a stimulating novel, it would definitely not be anyone's first pick. Sleep, eat, school then repeat is basically my only everyday schedule. After hours of contemplation and a decent night's slumber though, I finally realized the single most event that has almost changed me completely. The thing that has contributed to my very being presence here today; moving across the country. The idea of moving was often pondered by my parents, resulting from unhappiness with being in Michigan so long, but I always took it for what it was, another silly thought. That feeling changed when my mother decided to take a leave of absence from her management position and drive over seven hundred miles to Georgia for a job interview. Even though others would usually be jovial and excited about the opportunity for their parent to further their career and prosper, I secretly hoped that something would not go smoothly and she would recant. Michigan was my home, and sure it wasn’t the most magnificent city, but it was all I knew. I lived my days in the same house, same neighborhood, riding around the city with the same people. Middle and high school were filled with familiar faces I had known since kindergarten; and quite frankly, I was comfortable. School wasn't straining as it came easy

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