
The Narator's Struggle In Barn Burning

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One of the most trying and confusing periods in a person’s life is adolescences. The period of adolescence can be both thrilling and trying times in a one life. We experience a great deal of growth during this period. Adolescence is also a period where we begin to leave a childhood behind and take our first steps into adulthood. When we begin this journey into adulthood we begin to lose our some of our innocence. As child we have an idealized view of the world. Children don’t readily comprehend the concepts of good and evil or the concept of morality. When we leave are childhood behind we are confronted with some of the harsh realities of adulthood. Our eyes become opened to as our idea of the world becomes more realistic as it comes into …show more content…

It is interesting that this young boy has this idea as he comes upon manhood. This is an interesting idea because the boy as no example to fallow. Aber the boy’s father is the patriarch of the family although he does nothing to earn that tittle. He is extremely self-centered and shows almost little to no regard for his family. Jamie Cawford of Florida Atlantic university has written as piece on Barn Burning were she discusses the deplorable traits of “ Abner Snopnes is depicted as a man who is loyal to no one other than himself or his family”(43). Abner as a hold on his son Starty this can be seen in the very beginning of the story when starty is going to testify against his father. Joseph Biotner Faulnker shows this in a peace he wrote about the future of Sarty “One pivotal moment of "all-timeness" occurs during the crisis when Abner strikes Sarty for desiring to testify against him at the trial which opens the story. Abner had threatened to torch Mr. Harris's barn” (1). This shows not only the control Abner has over his young son because also the control he has over his entire family. This is why it is important for Sarty to be selfish to some extent and break away because the patters of his family and his father will never change. The only chance the young man has at a productive honest life is if he chooses to break away from his

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