
The Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass

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Frederick Douglass Biography Former slave and abolitionist, Frederick Douglass, uses his words to be a leading spokesman for his people. In the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, he gives the reader descriptive visuals of his childhood, his disturbing experiences as a slave, as well as, a glimpse of his escape to freedom and the aftermath. With this book many questions may arise, but Douglass answers each question thoroughly. The first question is how slaves living in cities and slaves living in rural areas differ. In Chapter VI, Douglass tells us exactly. “A city slave is almost a freeman, compared with a slave on the plantation. He is much better fed and clothed, and enjoys privileges altogether unknown to the slave on the plantation.” (21) For example, on Colonel Lloyd’s plantation the slaves received a monthly allowance of food and a yearly supply of clothes. The food they received was not nearly enough, and they did not have proper time to eat it (not the case on all plantations, e.g. Mr. Covey’s). Their clothes were made out of “coarse negro cloth”, which was not of much value. Also, plantation slaves endured greater hardships than those in the cities. They were beaten, and talked to in a profane language. Although city slaves went through the same treatment it was not as harsh as those on the plantation. City slave holders did not want to be known as a cruel master, but plantation slave holders wanted to hold that title. Douglass’s treatment in Baltimore

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