
The Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass: What Is A True Hero

Decent Essays

What is true heroism? What does it entail? Does you need superpowers? Do you need to save people from crumbling buildings? Do you need to make everyone happy every time? Contrary to popular belief, the answer to these questions is no. A hero will always help others, is brave and helpful even in the face of insurmountable challenges, and doesn’t always make everyone happy. Heroes will always help others, no matter what is in their way. One good example of this is Mulan. She is a girl who seems unable to fit in, and when China goes to war her aging must enlist in the army, unless he has a son that can take his place. Instead of being safe and staying home while her father went to war and probably died, she pretended to be a man and took his place. Similarly, Abraham Lincoln sacrificed a lot for everyone. During the civil war, he lead the union and eventually freed all slaves. In the White House Funeral Sermon for …show more content…

An example of this is Frederick Douglass, a runaway slave during the civil war. In his autobiography, The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, he says that “…the idea of speaking to white people weighed me down. I spoke but a few moments…and said what I desired with considerable ease.”(SB). This shows how Douglass was brave in the fact that he faced his fear. He was scared and intimidated to speak in front of white people, but he pushed past that and spoke. After this, he became a very prominent anti-slavery spokesperson, and spoke to everybody. I to have had experience with this in my own life. When my mom was diagnosed with cancer in 2010, I was worried she wouldn’t be around to help me or my siblings, that she’d be at the hospital or sleeping all the time. I was very wrong. Other than the daily afternoon nap and occasional treatment session, she was always there. She wasn’t missing from my life, and she was always willing and ready to

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