
The Nearly Fatal Snow Caving Trip Essay

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The Nearly Fatal Snow Caving Trip

Sharp pains shooting through muscles, trying to avoid sleep, hypothermia set in on an Antarctic ice crevasse researcher. I had the opportunity to go snow caving with my brother, Josh. I was confident in my winter backcountry skills and anticipated a memorable trip. I did not know what I was getting into.

Growing colder day-by-day, winter became more dominant. Deep snow made travel difficult. To navigate through this terrain, I would have to wear special equipment. There are a few ways to travel over snow: snowmobiles, cross-country skis, and snowshoes. The uneven terrain and fresh powder called for snowshoes. Along with shoes, winter camping requires many other types of gear.

To cope with the …show more content…

I recommended to my brother that he should put his snowshoes on before his pack. Climbing over the hardened, plowed-up wall of snow, we began our journey.

Beginning at a popular cross-country ski trail, the traveling was enjoyably easy. Crunching the hardened snow with each step and occasionally meandering off the trail and atop the soft snow, my confidence towered. Distancing ourselves from the car, we passed many pine trees, whose branches and needles would sway in the wind like bowing Chinese men. I sensed the wind whistling through the trees, carrying the light, dry snow across my rosy, wind blown cheeks and burrowing between my neck and shirt collar. In addition, the wind would create beautiful structures of snow, snowdrifts of every size and shape. Remarkable curves and textures created a landscape like a foreign frozen world. At this point, the ski trail dwindled to nothing, so we began to break our own trail. After several demanding hours of trail breaking, we were sweating heavily. The once bone-chilling wind had become a blessing with our now unzipped parkas. We questioned the validity of traveling further.

We had passed many gigantic snowdrifts and possible campsites, but now tired and anxious we began searching for the ultimate site for our snow cave. Finally, siding a cliff the snow looked deep with easy access. The evergreen trees, with low-lying branches created bowls around their bases. This area of

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